Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Rice Paddies, Leprechauns and Letters...

Week 7

Monsoon Monday
The Rainy Season seems to be upon us.   If the economy was half as productive as my lachrymose glands, the Exchequer would be rolling in money. As it is, I’m amazed the country isn’t three feet underwater, and that the farmers haven’t taken to wearing conical hats and planting rice. The rest of the world could call us “Rice Paddies” then.   How can you have so much liquid in your body? Just as well I’m keeping my fluid intake up with wine, chai de nuit, camomile and café lattes. All at the one time, just to make sure I keep myself hydrated. It’s very important to keep hydrated. Which reminds me; St. Patrick’s Day is coming up and I’m going to the Parade with the Coven.

Green Paddy Saturday
Off to the Parade; Green jeans and sweater. Check. Knitted shamrock in my hair. Check. A rainbow, leprechaun and pot of gold painted on my hand. Check. A decoration on my face that says “Kiss me I’m Irish”. Check. Well, if I’m going to start branching out and challenging myself, this is a good place to start. I actually managed to enjoy the Parade, especially since a nice Japanese man gave me a plastic thingy to stand on, whereby I could actually see over the heads of the crowd.  Whatever the advantages or disadvantages of being six feet tall, it gives you a mean view of parades. Afterwards the Coven had drinks and dinner. That night, Irish music in the pub. Overall, the day went better than I expected and all was peaceful as I fell into bed. One small caveat; the rainbow, pot of gold, leprechaun and admonishment to kiss-me-I’m-Irish decorations don’t wash off…apparently they “wear away gradually…”  I’m going to look VERY dignified at the Management Meeting on Monday…

Snail Mail Day
The divorce application form I’d signed and sent back weeks ago now returns to the house addressed to the Respondent, via 2 x solicitors and possibly a carrier pigeon as well. Now it’s his turn to review, swap apostrophes and colour in all the letter “O”s in the document or whatever the hell else he’s supposed to do…

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